BANANA DAY-O . ( HARRY BELAFONTE ) ) . Day-o, day-ay-ay-o . Daylight come and he wan' go home . Day, he say day, he say day . He say day, he say day, he say day-ay-ay-o . Daylight come and he wan' go
a'rum. (Daylight come and he wan' go home). Stack banana till morning come. (Daylight come and he wan' go home). . Come, Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana. (Daylight come and he wan' go home). Come
. (Daylight come and he wan' go home). Stack banana till thee morning come. (Daylight come and he wan' go home) Come, Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana. (Daylight come and he wan' go home). Come, Mr. Tally
loving when you come. . Around, to free me, ah. . In a boat to sail, boat to sail, away, ah. . All those letters mailed from a. . Boat to sail, away ah. . We are riding in a boat to sail