. Bulleodo daedab eopsneun ne ireumi. Mearicheoreom ullyeo. Chorus. Neon naui Blue ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Neul geuraessdeusi. Neon naui Blue ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Geuriumman gadeuk chaewo. Beonjyeodo areumdawo
I'll have a blue blue Christmas I'll have a blue blue Christmas without you. I'll be so blue thinking about you. Decorations of red, on a green Christmas tree. Won't mean a thing if you're not
I'll have a blue Christmas without you,. I'll be so blue thinking about you. Decorations of red. On a green Christmas tree. Just won't mean a thing if. You're not here with me And when those
Ill have a blue christmas without you. Ill be so blue. Just thinking about you. Decorations of red. On a green christmas tree. Wont be the same dear. If you're not here with me. And when those blue
I'm convincing myself. That I'm in love. It's not what I was dreaming of. I love what I see. But it ain't for me. I have to leave, to breathe. . The thing is. I could be so much more blue
I'm convincing myself. That I'm in love. It's not what I was dreaming of. I love what I see. But it ain't for me. I have to leave, to breathe. . The thing is. I could be so much more blue
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you. I'll be so blue just thinking about you. Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree. Won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me. And when those blue
I thought I'd take the slide. I thought I'd be alright but when the details swam. Another door got jammed. Someone took the hand. And we were out slow dancing In the blue light, blue light. In
Shameless sea. Aimlessly so blue. Midnight-moon shines for you Still, marooned. Silence drifting through. Nowhere to choose. Just blue. Ceaselessly. Star-crossed you and me. Save our souls
Bài hát So Blue - Akon . I see you every damn day and I can't help wondering why . Why you look so good, but I ain't ever seen you smile . Got a man that defined you, everything in this world . But
I'll have a blue Christmas without you. I'll be so blue just thinking about you. Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree. ♪. Won't be the same, dear, if you're not here with me. And when those
Blue eyes. Baby's got blue eyes. Like a deep blue sea. On a blue blue day Blue eyes. Baby's got blue eyes. When the morning comes. I'll be far away. And I say Blue eyes holding back the tears
Hey, look over yonder, out in the rain. Soakin' wet fever in my brain. Now, I ain't certain which way to go. But I got to move, sure Feelin' blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. Feelin' blue, blue, blue
. I'll have a blue Christmas without you. I'll be so blue just thinking about you. Decorations of red, on a green Christmas tree. Won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me. And when those
I'll have a blue Christmas without you. I'll be so blue just thinking about you. Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree. Won't be the same, dear, if you're not here with me And when those
. Ttwieobwa deo sumi chal ttaekkaji. Yeoljeong hogeun naengjeong sai. Ireon nareul gamdanghal su inni?. What's your blood type? Oh, you?. I'm blue. Yeah, what's your blood type? Oh, you?. I'm blue. I gogwihan
I'm in the blue, blue mood now that you're gone, oh wee. I'm in the blue, blue mood it's been a lonesome day. I'm in the blue, blue mood I see you everywhere. I reach out to hold you but you're
Yo listen up,here's a story. About a little guy that lives in a blue world. And all day and all night and everything he sees. Is just blue. Like him inside and outside. Blue his house with a blue