. Dori me reo. Ameno. Ameno dori me. Ameno. Ameno dori me. Translating (found in Internet). Take me to the inside absorb take me. Disclose, disclose hidding hidding oneself take me. Disclose unperceived
Seattle. What a day for San Francisco. What a day, holy Toledo. What a day to get in the air and go. What a day to give up smoking. What a day to absorb Jim Beam. What a day to welcome a baby. And to
,. Destroy Yourself,. See Who Gives A *. . Absorb Yourself,. You're Better Alone,. Destroy Yourself. . I'll Chain You To The Truth,. For The Truth Shall Set You Free. I'll Turn The Screws Of
myself so I could love you better baby. Had to lose myself in love. Yeah, so I can love you better baby lose myself in love. Lose myself in love. And that's just the way it is! Takes strength to absorb
. Yo J, drop that one down. Your existence means less now that it probably ever has before. You've got your head up your ass. Out of your mouth comes nothing but sh. Should I listen, I absorb. You
what can i do?. Empty rooms feel cold when I am so used to being with you. Count the stars, watch the waves absorb the summer sun. and think of me. when you explore hidden coves and tiny island chains
the hood, that's good now stay on the grind. I'm a sponge, knowledge and wisdom, I absorb fast. I'm in a class by myself, you do the math. Chorus. God gave me style. God gave me grace. God gave me
. Bring you stardom. You full of boredom. * you been aborted. Bring your neck out. Bring the tec' out. Absorb it. See you check out. And then step out. The orbit. Blow your flesh out. Till