Say, it's only a paper moon. Sailing over a cardboard sea. But it wouldn't be make-believe. If you believed in me Yes, it's only a canvas sky. Hanging over a muslin tree. But it wouldn't be make
Runnin' runnin' from home,. Breakin' ties that you'd grown. Catchin' dreams from the clouds The city sounds burn your soul. Turn your head to the cries. Of loneliness in the night Just like a fly
Baby blue buildings far above the crystal grove. Magenta plated terrace with a table and a stove. Guarded golden railings just to frame the pretty stars. Fix that old piano and the birds will fall
A troubled wind has chilled my heart. Killed our love right from the start. And visions of your face. Twist in my mind into knots of silken lace A chance to win a hand so fair. Fades with night
When sadness fills your heart. And sorrow hides the longing to be free. When things go wrong each day. You fix your mind to 'scape your misery Your troubled young life. Had made you turn. To a
Hey girl, oh how your love is strong. Weaves a tumble-in' tearless song. Tho' you don't seem to care that you love is blind. You don't seem to care not realise. Hey girl, oh how my heart is torn
Hey girl, oh how your love is strong. Weaves a tumble-in' tearless song. Tho' you don't seem to care that you love is blind. You don't seem to care not realise. Hey girl, oh how my heart is torn