. I've seen Hitler's storm troopers. March right across the Maginot line I've seen two world wars. I've seen men send rockets out into space. I foresee a holocaust. An angel of death descending to
gathered. on the Maginot line. Sisters and fathers. Brothers and sons. All said goodbye. It seemes so much fun. We'll be finished by Christmas. Back home by the fire. Perish the distance. The bombs
. In the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty nine. I've seen hitler's storm troopers. March right across the maginot line. . I've seen two world wars. I've seen men send rockets out into space
. I've seen Hitler's storm troopers. March right across the Maginot line I've seen two world wars. I've seen men send rockets out into space. I foresee a holocaust. An angel of death descending to
. I've seen Hitler's storm troopers. March right across the Maginot line I've seen two world wars. I've seen men send rockets out into space. I foresee a holocaust. An angel of death descending to