, Meshach and Abednego. Before the wicked king they stood. And the king commanded . them bound and thrown. Into the fiery furnace that day. But the fire was so hot . that the men were slain. That forced them
watched them fly across a fiery sky. And I heard their cry as they passed me by. I could feel the light inside me, I could feel it everywhere. Life was clear and fair. . Woke up in the dark and tried
. He's in my mind. I am glad am I He's all over me. The Lord is keeping me alive. I know he is keeping me alive. He's keeping me alive Like the Hebrew boys. Thrown in the fiery furnace. See everybody
the whale. And the Hebrew children from the fiery furnace. Why not every man?. . Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?. Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?. Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?. And why not every
from the bottom of the lion's den. You delivered Joana, from the belly of the whale and then,. The Hebrew children from the fiery furnace so the good books do declare. Hey lord, if you can't help me
rise again. Just like the phoenix. We'll fuckin' rise again. That's right, the phoenix. Will rise again, y'all. 'Cause the fiery heart of a champion cannot be quelched. By a failure or an
rise again. Just like the phoenix. We'll fuckin' rise again. That's right, the phoenix. Will rise again, y'all. 'Cause the fiery heart of a champion cannot be quelched. By a failure or an
rise again. Just like the phoenix. We'll fuckin' rise again. That's right, the phoenix. Will rise again, y'all. 'Cause the fiery heart of a champion cannot be quelched. By a failure or an
the fiery gates. And I turned the invitation. So I'm already late. But I wanna watch it burn. So the devil can wait. Chorus - Danny. I wanna *** the world. I'm gonna make it hurt. I'll stand here all
sacrifice. To avenge the raped corpse from the grave. Blood of one mortal man. The fire grows stronger within. Fate of a frenzied lust. Lucifer takes my dark soul. . Down to the fiery pits of hell
raw. (Chorus). Ride Around. Ride Around real slow. the fiery and the snuffy are rarin' to go. (Verse 2). Old Bill Brown had a daughter and a son. One went to Denver and the other went wrong. His
carnage of the fiery sun. . Driven by the strangle of vein showing no mercy I do it again,. Open up your eye, you keep on crying baby, I'll bleed you dry. Skies they blink at me, I see a storm bubbling
took my heart, I think she took my soul. With the moon I run. Far from the carnage of the fiery sun. Driven by the strangle of vein. Showing no mercy I'd do it again. Open up your eyes. You keep on
Bài hát Terrible Tommy - Ryan Horne. I've been up and down in prison. I've lived inside this cell. Surrounded by these demons. And the fiery gates of hell. I blame my mother and my father. For the
Kiss me now. While my lips are burning up for your sweet taste. Kiss me now. Long to feel the fiery aid of your embrace Kiss me now. That you're someone very special in my life. Kiss me now
along the memory. The sun’s so high, it’s rising in the heat. Try to fight the sunrise but it comes for you. Love is brighter than the fiery violent truth
Well, once I was a stone, many years ago. Into a pool was thrown, many years ago. Time went by and the pool ran dry Excavated was I and tempered. And beat in the fiery heat. By the hand of a man
what do you care? . Ain't nobody there would want marry your sister. Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame. You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name