Toys you can touch. Toys you can feel. Toys for the boys. These toys are real. Real toys. Hole in the heart. Hole in the head. Guns for the young. Bang bang you're dead. Real toys. Sadistic
for the years. Voices scream, nothing seems real's a dream Toys, toys, toys in the attic. Toys, toys, toys in the attic. Toys, toys, toys in the attic. Toys, toys, toys in the attic Light voices
fears. Nothin' is left for the years Voices scream. Nothin' seen. Real's the dream Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys. In the attic Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys
Shiny toys, right on time, shiny toys, right on time, shiny toys I'm readin' people rags in the checkout lane. Look, here's a hunk, here's a honey. Celebrated people and their claims to fame
Smiling girls and rosy boys. Come and buy my little toys. Monkeys made of gingerbread. And sugar horses painted red. Rich men's children running past. Their fathers dressed in hose. Golden hair
should've seen him when he first got me. Chorus. My boy only breaks his favorite toys, toys, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. I'm queen of sand castles he destroys, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. 'Cause it fit too right, puzzle pieces
fears. Nothin' is left for the years Voices scream. Nothin' seen. Real's the dream Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys. In the attic Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys
fears. Nothin' is left for the years Voices scream. Nothin' seen. Real's the dream Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys. In the attic Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys
fears. Nothin' is left for the years Voices scream. Nothin' seen. Real's the dream Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys. In the attic Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys
fears. Nothin' is left for the years Voices scream. Nothin' seen. Real's the dream Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys. In the attic Toys, toys, toys. In the attic. Toys, toys, toys
. And turn off the lights as well. . If you were frightened then listen. But I don't think you would like it. Such a nice kid. . Nobody's looking now (Nobody's looking). I throw my toys around
Close your eyes, beddy bye tin soldier,. Mommy says that it's time for sleep,. If my folks were wiser and older,. They'd know kids and toys don't need sleep. . Don't be bad little cotton dolly