by. Then you've seen me going by I thought life meant you were living. I thought death meant you were dying. Now I sit around and I stare. How dare call this a livingroom, my livingroom Gave up
?. 00;35;17-00;39;11愛なのか、それとも監禁なのか. 00;39;11-00;41;12誰?,誰?. 00;41;12-00;43;12俺だけがいる. 00;43;12-00;49;01狂ったようにお互いを愛しているyou and me. . Chorus. 00;49;25-00;53;13L I V I N G 立ち往生 livingroom. 00;53;13-00;57;11部屋に閉じ込