V A C A T ION in the summer sun. Put away the books, we're out of school. The weather's warm but we'll play it cool. We're on vacation, havin' lots of fun V A C A T ION in the summer sun
V A C A T ION in the summer sun. Put away the books, we're out of school. The weather's warm but we'll play it cool. We're on vacation, havin' lots of fun V A C A T ION in the summer sun
V A C A T ION in the summer sun. Put away the books, we're out of school. The weather's warm but we'll play it cool. We're on vacation, havin' lots of fun V A C A T ION in the summer sun
V A C A T ION in the summer sun. Put away the books, we're out of school. The weather's warm but we'll play it cool. We're on vacation, havin' lots of fun V A C A T ION in the summer sun