mass disgrace. (Fear and death in the wings, in thrall of those fallen from grace. Petty is as petty does, witness the mass disgrace. ). Godforbid you read the signs. Watch for meanings between the
the mass disgrace Fear, death in the wings. In thrall of those fallen from grace. Petty is as petty does. Witness the mass disgrace Godforbid you read the signs. Watch for meanings between the
Man, I'll be the first one here to call you crazy. If you let me catch you cussin' and akin to roughin' up a lady. And Godforbid that anybody mess with mine. You gotta whoop a man's ass sometimes
night, when we stare like the rest of them. Godforbid. Oh my god I would hold you close. 'Cause it is a lonely world. But would you want me too. 'Cause it is a lonely world Well I put off 'cause I'm
. Only wanna do it once, real bad. Gon' make that * last. Godforbid something happens. 'Least this song is a smash (song is a smash). I got so much love (love). Got so much patience (patience). I've
are a million to one. The only hope they have will die. In the hearts of you and I if nothing's ever done I can't save them by myself. Oh but Godforbid that I just turn my head. And walk on by