need to hear you say Allies with our backs against the wall. I will answer when you call. And take on the odds. For what we believe is true. Allies in a world of too much choice. I only need your
need to hear you say Allies with our backs against the wall. I will answer when you call. And take on the odds. For what we believe is true. Allies in a world of too much choice. I only need your
need to hear you say Allies with our backs against the wall. I will answer when you call. And take on the odds. For what we believe is true. Allies in a world of too much choice. I only need your
need to hear you say Allies with our backs against the wall. I will answer when you call. And take on the odds. For what we believe is true. Allies in a world of too much choice. I only need your
need to hear you say Allies with our backs against the wall. I will answer when you call. And take on the odds. For what we believe is true. Allies in a world of too much choice. I only need your
need to hear you say Allies with our backs against the wall. I will answer when you call. And take on the odds. For what we believe is true. Allies in a world of too much choice. I only need your
pas sr que toi. Tu m'aimes. Moi je suis fou de toi. Moi je suis fou de toi. Mais toi. Toi tu te fous de moi Y a pas de temps perdre. Si je veux te garder. Il faut que je tisse la corde. Pour te
. Je suis triste comme une pierre. Souvent ? z?ro. . Si je suis fou. Je m'en vais deux ou trois jours. Je reviens,. Je me pends ? ton cou. Je veux r?ussir ta vie. Et surtout que tu te sentes bien