E se io avessi un Dio privato. Che vive come vivo io con I comfort che ho. Adesso ho anch'io eh gi?. . E se io avessi un Dio privato. Che ride come rido io per I motivi che so io eh gi?!. . Mi
whoo ay big 2 start die tijdmachine, gek. Lets go ! Dio. Zie als ik terug kon in de tijd,. Dan had ik niet zoveel schijt,. Dan ging ik gewoon naar school,. En kwam ik ook wel op tijd. Deed ik
Tôi lạc quan giữa đám đông. Nhưng khi một mình thì lại không. Cố tỏ ra là mình ổn nhưng sâu bên trong nước mắt là biển rộng. Lắm lúc chỉ muốn có ai đó. Dang tay ôm lấy tôi vào lòng. Cho tiếng cười tro
Can you hear me. Can you see. There's a storm on the edge of the sky. Does it matter. It does to me, I can tell you why When there's thunder, there should be rain. But it don't always follow the
Ik heb het nooit begrepen. Yo, waarom mijn vader verdween. Nu ben ik * up. Nu sta ik alleen. Maak me zorgen om mijn moeder. Maar als je man genoeg bent om kinderen te maken. Wees dan ook dezelfd
Big2 whattup?. Aye------. Me boy Sef whattup?. Aye------. Nederland whattup? Yeah eah het is die o zo o zo dope rapper uit de buurt. en ik neem het over. d-i-o want je weet het gozer. ja we kun
Bài hát Holy Diver - Dio. You've been down too long in the midnight sea. Oh what's becoming of me. Ride the tiger. You can see his stripes but you know he's clean. Oh don't you see what I mean