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Vui lòng nhập lại!"; } NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "UName", msg); } }); }); $("#uname").focus(function () { $("#noteUserName").show(); }); $("#uname").blur(function () { $("#noteUserName").hide(); }); $("#email").focus(function () { $("#noteEmail").show(); }); $("#email").blur(function () { $("#noteEmail").hide(); }); } if (NCTOAuth.FACEBOOK == type) { title += " bằng tài khoản facebook"; } else if (NCTOAuth.GOOGLE == type) { title += " bằng tài khoản Google"; } $("#socialTitle").html(title); $("#uname").val(username); $("#fullName").val(fullName); $("#email").val(email); $("#htmlLoginSocial").show(); NCTOAuth.showAllSuccessFieldRegister(); }, closePopupRegister: function () { $("#htmlLoginSocial").hide(); }, validateFieldRegister: function (isError, regex, msg) { if (typeof isError == "undefined" || isError == null || typeof regex == "undefined" || regex == null || regex == "") { return; } if (isError) { $("#err_" + regex).html(msg); $("#err_" + regex).show(); $("#suc_" + regex).hide(); } else { $("#err_" + regex).hide(); $("#suc_" + regex).show(); } }, showErrorSocial: function (msg) { $("#errorSocial").show(); $("#errorSocial").html(msg); }, showAllSuccessFieldRegister: function () { $("span[id*='err_']").each(function (e) { $(this).hide(); }); $("div[id*='suc_']").each(function (e) { $(this).show(); }); $("#errorSocial").hide(); }, closePopupLogin: function () { if ($("#htmlLoginForm").is(":visible")) { $("#htmlLoginForm").addClass("hideShowCase"); } if ($("#htmlRegisterForm").is(":visible")) { $("#htmlRegisterForm").addClass("hideShowCase"); } }, isInvalidEmail: function (email) { if (email == null || email == 'undefined') { return false; } var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); }, registerSocial: function (socialId, type) { if (!$("#checkAll").is(":checked")) { NCTOAuth.showErrorSocial("Bạn chưa chọn đồng ý điều kiện \"Thỏa thuận sử dụng\" "); return; } var userName = $("#uname").val(); var fullName = $("#fullName").val(); var email = $("#email").val(); var phone = $("#phone").val(); var ggCaptcha = $("#codegg").val(); if (typeof userName == "undefined" || userName == "") { NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "UName", "Tên đăng nhập tối thiểu phải 6 ký tự và tối đa 30 ký tự. Vui lòng nhập lại!"); return; } if (typeof fullName == "undefined" || fullName == "") { NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "FName", "Tên hiển thị không được để trống."); return; } if (typeof email == "undefined" || email == "") { NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "Mail", "Email không được để trống."); return; } else if (!NCTOAuth.isInvalidEmail(email)) { NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "Mail", "Email không không hợp lệ."); return; } if (typeof ggCaptcha == "undefined" || ggCaptcha == "") { NCTOAuth.showErrorSocial("Mã xác nhận không đúng."); return; } var user = new Object(); user.userName = userName; user.fullName = fullName; user.email = email; user.phone = phone; user.ggCaptcha = ggCaptcha; user.socialId = socialId; user.type = type; $.post(NCTInfo.ROOT_URL + "ajax/user-social", user, function (result) { if (typeof result.error_code != "undefined") { if (result.error_code == 0) { //success if ($("#htmlLoginSocial").is(":visible")) { $("#htmlLoginSocial").hide(); } NCTOAuth.showPopupRegisterSuccess(userName, fullName, type); } else { var msg = ""; if (result.error_code == 1) { msg = "Tên đăng nhập tối thiểu phải 6 ký tự và tối đa 30 ký tự. Vui lòng nhập lại!"; NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "UName", msg); } else if (result.error_code == 2) { msg = "Tên đăng nhập không hợp lệ. Vui lòng nhập lại!"; NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "UName", msg); } else if (result.error_code == 3) { msg = "Tên đăng nhập đã tồn tại. Vui lòng nhập lại!"; NCTOAuth.validateFieldRegister(true, "UName", msg); } else if (result.error_code == 16) { msg = "Mã xác minh đã hết hạn."; NCTOAuth.showErrorSocial(msg); } else if (result.error_code == 15) { msg = "Thông tin đăng nhập không hợp lệ. Vui lòng nhập lại!"; NCTOAuth.showErrorSocial(msg); } } } grecaptcha.reset(); }); }, showPopupRegisterSuccess: function (username, fullName, type) { var title = "Đăng ký"; if (NCTOAuth.FACEBOOK == type) { title += " bằng tài khoản facebook"; } else if (NCTOAuth.GOOGLE == type) { title += " bằng tài khoản Google"; } var html = 'Give me all your pride, give me all your pride Turn it into a promise I made For the life you want Give me all your pride, give me all your pride But I will never give up The so-called me is the future me All my clothes are super nice All my clothes are super nice I look very good now The muscle is still very fierce I am the hero of this life Try to enjoy the beast I will not give up until I achieve wealth and freedom For the life you want I will work hard to earn money You take them as a weapon and take them out to fight It's not worth it It's better to open a store in Sanlitun All my collections are in the company I live like a movie, not a cartoon I have never seen the world I think I can experience it next life Wait for the wind I want to wait for the wind step by step What I want is not a dream I like loneliness and I like pain In the future, my company is at the top This is the original card I buy love every day I have been waiting for a lifetime I don't want to show my attitude anymore But I have to King of the rich I'm not a *** idol anymore You can't be like me I got the gold key Trust me I will open it My company The door is always open Whenever all the time You just follow me I have a big bag of money I have a big bag of money I have a big bag of money I have a big bag of money I have a big bag of money I have a big bag of money I have a big bag of money My only movie Always moving in silence The world is waiting for me to keep pace I'm ready to be a star I've never been alone I'm a *** one, too Too many people are watching I can only apologize to you I don't understand who is at home now I feel like a dead I feel like a dead We are at home No matter where we go Can become a hot topic It's okay to talk about it It's okay to talk about it It's okay to talk about it You can't count it Yeah Baby they owe me nothing to me I don't need those to win the championship Yeah I'm a rich man Talk about metal The first round was over the top To all you rap boy Yeah we coming Without my appearance It's a piece of cake Anyway, in the end, my appearance Just to open the gap between the two I can rap I will take all the responsibility Yeah I'm a rich man Yeah Go to the stage of the crowd To get the opportunity I'm on my hand Yeah we never miss Yeah we have to keep the clearest face But they can't imagine After all, I got my own achievements But I became the role model of the sheep Doing better and better More and more I found that I had a lot of bros by my side They can all hear LTML WKD I can't hide my love In the car I want to take you to meet brothers Let's meet together I will turn off All your lights I found a new rap New type New feeling New type Everyone can see it Look, I said I can only walk for a few years I just said This is my goal Tomorrow I will My name will appear again It's been a long time since I made a mistake That day I was so tired If no one cares about me My brothers are all behind me So I told you early I'm not my opponent Don't make any excuses for yourself Icon Na Don't *** Na Real talk Na Rap game *** Icon Na Don't *** Na Real talk Na Rap game OK now it's time I'm bout to get in the cool show The cool girl who has been living for a long time She has now become a young boss Don't bother us like you We practice, we earn Our money You go and share your pork I just like to study The feeling that I can't catch It's none of your business Whether I push or not The tickets on the ground It's always a meaningless match We used to be this C From now on this position We two Who will compare with whom this year Who knows whose cake Who has the beat Who has the flow Who has the flow Who has the heat Who has the beat How to pull it It's so rude If you're used to light Then let's have some spicy Are those fast rhymes really that bad I want to get rid of Every pile of drama Don't *** with me I will kill mother***er Give me all your cakes Yeah No matter the top Those names are all burned *** everybody Don't get in the position There are those who owe me demos *** it 代表他们做的 我也一定做到 那些废物 拦不住我 切磋过调 以后听到我的名字 你会说句What's up Give me all your cakes Yeah Give me all your cakes Yeah Turn it into a promise I made For the life you want Yeah Give me all your cakes Yeah Give me all your back calls Yeah People will never give up Yeah The so-called me I'm here to show