A human being is born with the right to be free and independent. We have the right to decide our own actions. But sometimes, the actions we do come from a lack of control. Since then, we have fallen into a state of fear of being a human being, because we think we are the cause of other people's suffering. We have the right to be free and independent. But sometimes, the actions we do come from a lack of control. Since then, we have fallen into a state of fear of being a human being, because we think we are the cause of other people's suffering. We have fallen into a state of fear of being a human being, because we think we are the cause of other people's suffering. Since then, we have fallen into a state of fear of being a human being, because we think we are the cause of other people's suffering. It seems easy to love yourself. But if you don't love yourself, do you choose to hurt the people you think hurt you? When you choose to act like this, it means you are afraid and feel unloved. At this time, love is the most effective medicine. When you know how to love yourself, you accept your weaknesses and forgive the past. Then you start to feel love from others more easily. When you do everything with your love, it is also the time when you are judged and become more empathetic to others. www.mooji.org