How I wish I was a boy
A little child
With wooden toys
With games to play
And simple songs
To sing out loud
The whole day long
How I often wondered why
We must say
The word goodbye
And watching childhood
Slowly die
Someone tell me
He's alive
It's not tomorrow
But when time goes
We must follow
Till our day has come
Find your way to my place
It's not too late
I know
You can't spin away
But be on your way
Do you remember
When we were younger
Painting names on walls
Do you remember
Do you remember
Feeling no longer
For life's pain at all
It's not tomorrow
But when time goes
We must follow
We must follow
Till our day has come
Find your way to my place
It's not too late
I can still wait
But be on your way
It's not too late
Do you remember
When we were younger
Painting names on walls
Do you remember
Feeling no longer
For life's pain at all
Do you remember
How I wish
I was a boy
A little child
With wooden toys
With games to play
And simple songs
To sing out loud
The whole day long
How I often wanted one
We must say
The word goodbye
And watching childhood
Slowly die
My hopes explain
Someone tell me
It's my life
Someone tell me
It's a lie
Live up and live