星雨,星雨,今夜就听到星雨 The starry rain, the starry rain, tonight I will listen to the starry rain 幽怨淒迷,酒香唱出的新曲 The melancholy music, the melancholy music, the melancholy music, the melancholy music 星雨,星雨,今听星雨多么诗意 The starry rain, the starry rain, tonight I will listen to the starry rain 明月相伴,把我带进爱的回忆 The moon accompanies me, brings me into the memories of love 我去的良辰美景,我没忘记 I have not forgotten the beautiful scenery of the past 还有那花前月下,我依然珍惜 I still cherish the flowers before the moon 这一份美好回忆,让我们深藏在心里 These beautiful memories, let us keep them deep in our hearts 星雨,星雨,今夜就听到星雨 The starry rain, the starry rain, tonight I will listen to the starry rain 游远淒迷,酒香唱出的新曲 The melancholy music, the melancholy music, the melancholy music 星雨,星雨,今听星雨多么诗意 The starry rain, the starry rain, tonight I will listen to the starry rain 明月相伴,把我带进爱的回忆 The moon accompanies me, brings me into the memories of love 我去的良辰美景,我没忘记 I have not forgotten the beautiful scenery of the past 还有那花前月下,我依然珍惜 I still cherish the flowers before the moon 这一份美好回忆,让我们深藏在心里 These beautiful memories, let us keep them deep in our hearts 星雨,星雨,今夜就听到星雨 The starry rain, the starry rain, tonight I will listen to the starry rain