We come on the sloop, John B, my grandfather and me, round Nassau town, we did roam, drinkin' all night, we got into a fight
I feel so break up, I want to go home, so heist up to John B's sails, see how the mainsail's set, send for the captain of shore, let me go home
Let me go home, let me go home, let me go home, let me go home, I feel so break up, I want to go home
The first mate he got drunk, broke up the people's trunk, constable had to come and take him away
Sheriff John Snow, please let me alone, I feel so break up, I want to go home, so heist up to John B's sails, see how the mainsail's set, send for the captain of shore, let me go home
Let me go home, let me go home, let me go home, let me go home, I feel so break up, I want to go home
Let me go home, let me go home, let me go home, let me go home, I feel so break up, I want to go home