When I think of how He came so far from gloryHe came and dwelt among the lonely such as ITo suffer shame and such disgraceOn Mount Calvary take my handMy place it's then I ask myselfThis simple little questionLord, who am I?I'm reminded of His wordsI'll leave you neverIf you'll be trueI'll give to you life foreverAnd foreverI know there's nothing that I could have doneTo deserve God's only SonHe's gonna fight all my battlesUntil they are wonFor who am I?Who am I that a kingWould leave and die for?Who am I that He would breakNot my willI'm not my willI'm not my willThe answer I may never knowJust why He ever loved me soThat to an old rugged cross He'd goFor who am I?Who am I?For who am I?For who am I?