When you grow up, what will you be? There's so many jobs, just look and see! Maybe we'll be train engineers when we grow up! An engineer drives a train, through the wind and snow and rain. Let's all drive the train! Buckle whistle and say, choo-choo! Choo-choo! Maybe we'll be clowns when we grow up! A clown can dance and wiggle, make you laugh and smile and giggle. Let's all do a silly dance! Do a silly dance and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! Maybe we'll be musicians when we grow up! A musician plays in a band, spreading music across the land. Let's all play in a band! Play your drums and say, boo-boo! Boo-boo! When you grow up, what will you be? There's so many jobs, just look and see! Maybe we'll be clowns when we grow up!