As soon as Mr. Wonka made his announcement, my Verruca expressed a very keen interest in the contest. She said... I want a ticket now! How could I possibly refuse? When Verruca says... More! I buy another store, and when Verruca says... Now! The sweat forms on my brow, and when Verruca says... Again! No matter where or when, we better all kowtow to... More! Now! Again! When Verruca says... Out! There's no reasonable doubt, and when Verruca says... Fetch! There's no time to kvetch, and when Verruca says... Obey! You'd better find a way to make a rupo stretch for... Out! Fetch! Obey! Now when she heard of Wonka's prize, she started to attack. So I told my peanut shellers, here's a tougher nut to crack. You've each a thousand Wonka bars, start shelling them at once. For when Verruca's happy, it's much better for her peppy. For forty days and forty nights, the ladies try to pick it. And always to the music of... I want a golden ticket! I WANT A GOLDEN TICKET! And then a worker stood, and in her hand a panacea. A golden ticket on display, and what did sweet Verruca say? Then... Yes? Buy me North Korea! When Verruca says... Buy! It's like a bittle cry for when Verruca says... Mine! They're like jelly for a spine, and if Verruca said... Please! I'd know it was a tease before. More! Now! Out! Mine! Fetch! Buy! And then she finally falls asleep, she'll pray and say amen. Till tomorrow, when it all begins... Again! Again!