And you are the path of least resistanceIs it as simple as you claim it to be?Come on, your tongue, your eyesYour lies, they do deceive youYour tongue, your eyesYour lies, they do deceive youI stand firm in my solidarityThe path I walkThe path I walkI walkI walk it with my own resolveWhen darkness fallsWhen darkness fallsWe are rebornOur dreams, it's performingWe are rebornWe are rebornMy beliefMy beliefOur lives are not insufflatedWe are the hopeSatisfied with not just wordsLet resolution be our voiceI stand firm in my solidarityThe path I walkThe path I walkThe path I walkI walk it with my own resolveWhen darkness fallsWhen darkness fallsWe are rebornOur dreams, it's performingWe are rebornWe are rebornWe are the remnantWe the remnantWe'll silence them allWe are the faithfulWe the faithfulWe'll silence them allSilence them allWhen darkness fallsWe are rebornOur dreams in fulfillmentWe are rebornWhen darkness fallsWhen darkness fallsWe are rebornOur dreams in fulfillmentWe are reborn