Falling, falling, fall to, fall to What is the word? Falling from this, on this Falling from this Giving, falling, giving all this Seeing, falling, seeing all this, this What is the word? This, this, this, this here This, this here Falling, giving all this Seeing, falling, seeing all this, this here Fall to What is the word? Seem, glimpse, seem to glimpse Need, don't seem to glimpse Falling, fall to Need, don't seem to glimpse What, what is the word? And where? Falling, fall to Need, don't seem to glimpse What, where, where, what is the word? There, over there, away, over there How far, how far, away, over there How faint, how faint, how far, away, over there What, what, what is the word? See, all this, all this This, all this, this here Falling, fall to Fall to see What, glimpse, seem to glimpse Need, don't seem to glimpse How faint, how far, away, over there What Falling, fall to Need, don't seem to glimpse How faint, how far, away, over there What, what, what is the word? What is the word?