What a difference a day made. Twenty-four little hours. Bought the sun and the flowers. Where there used to be rain. My yesterday was blue, dear. Today, I'm a part of you, dear. My lonely nights are through, dear. Since you said you were mine. Lord, what a difference a day made. There's a rainbow before me. Skies above can't be stormy. Since that moment of bliss. That thrilling kiss. It's heaven when you find romance on your menu. What a difference a day made. And the difference is you. Is you. My yesterday was blue, dear. Still, I'm a part of you, dear. My lonely nights are through, dear. Since you said you were mine. Lord, what a difference a day made. There's a rainbow before me. Skies above can't be stormy. Since that moment of bliss. That thrilling kiss. It's heaven when you find romance on your menu. What a difference a day made. And the difference is you. Is you. Is you.