Early in the morning, walking down the road, the sun was rising, walking down the road, the wind was blowing, walking down the road, we were standing silent, walking down the road. Early in the morning, walking down the road, at the central prison, walking down the road, the dawn was breaking, walking down the road, we were standing silent, walking down the road, walking down the road. Early in the morning, walking down the road, at the central prison, walking down the road, a man is hanging, walking down the road, for the love of freedom, walking down the road. Tell me, can you see him? Walking down the road. Tell me, can you hear him? Walking down the road. His voice is silent. Walking down the road. But his heart is singing. Walking down the road. There are no chains now. Walking down the road. Whose links can bind me? Walking down the road. Who still can hold me? Walking down the road. Can break my spirit? Walking down the road. Go tell my father. Going down the road. Go tell my mother. Walking down the road. No rope can silence. Walking down the road. My song for freedom. Walking down the road. Walking down the road. Walking down the road. Walking down the road. Walking down the road. Walking down the road. Walking down the road. mariachi music Have you seen a dead man? Walking down the road. With a noose still on him. Walking down the road. He is walking with us. Walking down the road. On a road to freedom. Walking down the road. The road is bloody. Walking down the road. The load is heavy. Walking down the road. It is our burden. Walking down the road. It is our journey. Walking down the road. Walking down the road. www.circlelineartschool.com