And he said, get up and walk! When evil advances, we don't bow down. It was the time of the low head, of the hidden cry. Get up, get up! And take control of your life, damn it! No No No In front of your friends, you let go of my hand. If they ask, you are together. Get up, get up! Denounce without seeing me in such a disorganized laugh. I'm good for your bed, but not for your side. And I don't even see the fun in your smile. I'm good for your bed, but not for your side. That life never made so much sense. Up close I see that we were distant. Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? I tried hard enough to get rid of you. And I spent a lot of time where you go. But now I don't feel the pain anymore. But now I don't feel the pain anymore. You are my great love. My love and my time, you have priority. In these fights, my body even feels lack. But I've gotten used to not missing you. And I don't even see the fun in your smile. My chest doesn't beat anymore. That life never made so much sense. Up close I see that we were distant. Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? I tried hard enough to get rid of you. And I spent a lot of time where you go. But now I don't feel the pain anymore. But now I don't feel the pain anymore. Who will *** you and your beautiful style? I spent a lot of time where you go. But now I don't feel the pain anymore. You are my great love. My love and my time, you have priority. I spent a lot of time where you go. But now I don't feel the pain anymore. Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style? Who will *** you and your beautiful style?