Okay, well, this is what happened. He found himself back on a railway track in the middle of a meadow... ...where, according to the schedule, the train from Amsterdam to Hoorn... ...leaves at ten past twelve, ten before twelve. He's determined, and with his will in his pocket... ...in which the machine operator, Ruy Bedeelpoort, who knows him... ...tries to figure out which direction Hoorn is. He didn't feel the need to see the train coming... ...and seeing the train leaving wouldn't be his problem anyway. So while he bravely guesses where Hoorn is... ...as he turns around, Hoorn might be there... ...a man steps out of the bushes, Kreupelhout, if you will... ...and he goes next to him, looking at the track... ...in the same direction as where Herman decided Hoorn might be. So now, on a summer evening, in a Nord-Dutch polder... ...at about eleven o'clock... ...two men are looking at the rails in the meadows... ...to see where they think Hoorn is. Herman looks to the side and says, that's not going to work. I have very different problems than what I'm about to find out. Aula also hears that I have a secret homosexual relationship with Hoorn. So I'm confused. The man looks to the side and says, this is going to work... ...and that Herman is not his type at all. And he stands there. So Herman says, let's have a race. The man says, let's have a race, who is the saddest? Who has the most right to the train of 2012? And they tell each other stories. Herman starts with how it all started... ...and the man tells him why he absolutely has to end it here. And they share a cigarette, a little later. At a certain point, they even sit down on the track. And slowly, they get a problem with it. They get a problem with it, because they become friends. Because now they feel the warmth of someone listening to them... ...and the pride of someone wanting to be there and listen to them. So they become friends, and the problem is, who is the best friend? Is it the train of 2012, or not? And they don't get out of it, and at some point the man gets up and says... ...shall we go to the cafe where I was just about to light a cigarette... ...and continue our story? Because tomorrow, there will be another train of 2012. And Herman decides, yes, that's good. He instinctively feels that it's good. So the man steps off the track, Herman wants to follow him... ...but at that moment, he hears a sound... ...which he can't immediately bring home in one, two, three. And as he slowly turns around, he realizes... ...that this is the sound of someone... ...who can bring a lot of people home at the same time. With him in front of them. So he had a good idea of the direction he had to go. All right, I'll call you tomorrow. Bye bye. © BF-WATCH TV 2021