I'm so happy because I don't have you anymore
The blue light is no longer on
Just a few seconds away,
you still hold my hands
But why does love feel like a nightmare?
The wind blows to the faraway sky
Only you and I are left,
how long will it take to realize
I don't know where to find you
To me nowhere is love
And it's not like that on a rainy day
I used to promise not to go anywhere
But I never told you I would come back
Maybe this is what you want to say
In your eyes is my color
I told you to leave me
Until it's more peaceful,
everything is the same
I'm lost in my mind
I can't believe anyone
is on me
I did everything for love,
why can't I love again?
I can't say a word,
because I'm more silent than before
How can you leave with someone graceful in sweet waves?
So unsubstituted.
Is it better to miss you?
I waited cutely for some time
to find you by your side
Is it possible not to miss you?
I swore I would not question
I will come back