It is a unique pleasure for me to hang something I've made, whatever it is, good or bad, on
an empty wall like butterflies, intuition wings, scissoring time's stubborn rope, gathering
strength along the way from the beauty around us, flowers comprising friends' kindness,
family's faith, the weather giving up its inherent fight against everything fragile,
letting the mind's eye reign over just a little space and time, however temporarily gratitude
I feel.
In these moments of awe, for what has perhaps always been here, but finally grips me with
meaning, ripe with presence, a soulful future in which I have no regrets, grasping instead
for the colors I've never seen, hovering always hopefully above sky.
Igniting new year's effervescent, pulsing promise.
Thank you so much for enjoying your night.
I've looked forward to a day filled withecancetime and you've been there, with our shared influence,
I'm grateful we're cutting here, and granted you a lifetime here in Israel.
May you remember that you respect my Private mestam so much, may I always remember you,
Thank you to Sergio and Angela Uranife for help raising this video up to here where we almost until the end, please know that this is a blacklist of amazinguuuuuuuu uuuuu.
Be more like YouTube而 than anyubrand racing.
Thank you.
Thank you.