旗の下で 夢を見た kino shita de yume wo mita I dreamed of it under the tree 大きな夢を見て 大きな yume wo mite I had a big dream 満たされなく 歩き出す mitasare naku arukidasu I started to walk without being satisfied 手に入れないもの 探せば探すほど te ni iranai mono sagaseba sagasu hodo The more I look for something I can't get, the more I can't find it 見つからない 高い山を越えて mitsukaranai takai yama wo koete I can't find it beyond the high mountains 深い海 泳いで 険しい心 mokai umi moyoide kewashii kokoro I was lost in the deep sea, my heart was frail 真下 果てまで 辿り着いた場所 mashida hate made tadoritsuita basho I arrived at the bottom Under the tree 深い海 泳いで 険しい心 mitsukara nai takai yama wo koete I arrived at the bottom 深い海 泳いで 険しい心 mitsukara nai takai yama wo koete I arrived at the bottom Thank you for watching!
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