Every child is born with a soul that untended disappearsmum and dad are warned, oh they're told, yet it couldn't happen here, that isuntil the tearsand all that's left of what they were, and what they could have been, is something badbecoming worse, an angriness of skin, all that's left of what they were, their parentsrealize, his teeth and claws and matted fur, a child of two black eyesonce they get to school, it's alright, pass the buck but it's a shamelittle johnny's croon, susie fights, well the teachers are to blame, their jobs, toget them tamedand all that's left of what they were, and what they could have been, is something badbecoming worse, an angriness of skin, all that's left of what they were, their parentsrealize, his teeth and claws and matted fur, a child of two black eyes