i never got a chance to meet jay dilla before he passed but i did get a chance to
i guess you know feel or share some of his energy through his close friends who you know turned out
to eventually become my close friends so it's like you know one degree of separation
uh franken dank as i had mentioned earlier um and then two others were common and kareem riggins
who's a drummer extraordinaire producer extraordinaire out of detroit and at that
very same show i had mentioned earlier where common had pulled me aside to apologize for
using this verse on play this on another song
at that sound check uh kareem had shouted when they had their band up on stage he shouted hey
com let's let's play the surprise and com said oh yeah yeah yeah let it go and the band had
rehearsed the play this remix this version you're about to hear which was inspired reason why i say
dilla's inspired by his style kareem riggins had played me fantastic volume
one and two maybe about a year before it came out and it changed me at then when it came out
it changed everybody uh in all genres of music so when they started the band started playing it and
it was dead on i i couldn't believe what i was hearing it's you know it's like i tell people
if i wasn't so black you'd see me blushing um but a very warming feeling and and again when
you know
people with so much talent uh revere you uh the same way that you've done them in this reciprocity
is existing in in a space it motivates you to do more to keep going to keep pushing people keep
asking me how you've been doing it so long and it's moments like these that create uh longevity