Now, I'm really going to try an experiment, a song I've never sung in public before, anda language I don't think I'll ever know.It's another one of these South African folk songs that actually needs a whole group ofpeople singing it.Now, I took the liberty of kind of rehearsing it before you all came in with a group that'ssitting on the stage, so they're already kind of primed, but you can join in if you want.It's from Rhodesia, the middle of Africa, South Africa, and it's really an ode to themachine age.It's all about a railroad train.The name of it is Chocholosa, E Zontaba, through the hills, Stimelassifumerodesia, steam awaythrough Rhodesia.Will you hum along?I can't get the words.Try it.Chocholosa, E Zontaba, Stimelassifumerodesia, steam away through Rhodesia.E Zontaba, Stimelassifumerodesia, steam away through Rhodesia.E Zontaba, Stimelassifumerodesia, steam away through Rhodesia.Thank you.Thank you.