Who'd have thought one day, it's a dream that I would hear aloud
Try out someone's name, who's not mine, and it's not a man's
Never once in my mind, you should cry your eyes and tell me why
I'll show you how we can work it out
Nothing's sacrificed, given to design
Staying inside all night long until the morning light
Love is all around, we are heaven bound
So much easier on you
Come down to twilight suddenly
But she's not alone, cruising through the sea
With a girlfriend, your typical candidate
For more suddenly, when we're all alone
Just you, her and me
Swing along and on and on
Swing along and on and on
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, twilight
So ever since that day
Heaven realized, I'm so divine
Let's do it all again
Send your eyes, don't let it end
Never once in my head
We could say goodbye to what we had
Lead me back to yesterday
Nothing's sacrificed, given to design
Staying inside all night long until the morning light
Love is all around, we are heaven bound
So much easier on you
I'll show you how we can work it out
Nothing's sacrificed, given to design
But she's not alone, cruising through the sea
With a girlfriend, your typical candidate
For more suddenly
When we're all alone
Just you, her and me
Swing along and on and on
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, twilight
Entra Lolita
Relájate y déjate así
No digas nada
Solo piensa y calla
Mueve la manzana
Pégate al alma
Cuéntame al oído
¿Qué me pasa?
Puedo llevarte tan dentro
Que voy a hacerte ver el cielo
¿Cómo te quiero, mi amor?
¿Cómo te quiero?
El amor en esto no tiene nada que ver
No pienso en nada, solo en placer
¿Por qué?
Como dos extraños en el mismo tren
Puede tocar y te puede esquivar
Viens, Virginie
¿Y toi?
¿Tu te vues là?
Te ves si beau
Oh la la
¿T'as bien con moi?
C'est bon ça
Le roche l'air
Mais moi ce soir j'ai envie de m'amuser un peu
En gros
Et tu sais
En gros
Je crois que c'est bien avec toi
Allez viens près de moi
J'ai envie de toi maintenant
Allez laisse moi
Enlever tout ce que j'ai à faire
Moving in suddenly
Le nouveau
Le nouveau
This is life
Ha ha ha
Non, n'en arrête pas
Let's do it all again
We go on and on
We're suddenly
But she's not alone
From day to day
With a girlfriend
It ain't your typical kind of dance
For more certainly
When we're all alone
Just you, her and me
Swing along
And on and on
We're all alone
You're still so jolly
Let's go
Embrace moi
Oh oui
Embrace moi
Non encore
Arrête non
Ha ha ha ha
Oh God