Girl, come here! Bitch, let me ask you a question. Yeah? Have you ever, in your motherfuckin' life, seen a pussy this motherfuckin' pretty, bitch? Oh, God! I don't think I have. Look at it! Hold on, let me put my leg up. Wow. Look! Tight, fat, way deader, bitch! Oh, God! Girl, if I drop my motherfuckin' drawers, a nigga gon' have to eat this ***, bitch. Oh, God! How do I? He gon' have to swipe that motherfuckin' card, bitch. Oh, God! Oh, sure. Look! I am! This pussy pretty, bitch! I gotta go! Yeah. I gotta go! I gotta go! I gotta go! This pussy pretty, bitch! I gotta go! Yeah. That's a nice one. Love it. You're so *** hot.