so lowwhoyeah whatyou know i'm a i'm a i'm a i'm a i'm ahey heyyeahLet's goIt's your boy HurricaneYou know what I'm sayingI'm a top one,it's a rhyme real serverCatching on the way every day只要看到 something new 能讓人不禁不禁不禁不禁Show biz 按鈕 手掌握在手中只要看電影 都可以在 Netflix隨時找到 電影編劇 放在 有很多 關於我的 Reddit2021 和 最近的 JockeyIt's a realI pay up the work for the newsBut I'm real,yeah I'm real有大有小 送關愛送救Can I be a spy fit on your instaWe can see you rock a new designerWhat's the new favorite in the mamaToday you got a new followerTony StarkerTony StarkerI'm a I'm a I'm a I'm aTony StarkerTony StarkerI'm a I'm a I'm a I'm aYou know that what I feel right now像是两个星星在挂在一起It's pumping like a boomYou turn me upside down笑着在dream aboutWhere your insta foundYou're lowkey funny better than meSpeed it on himNow I'm holey sleepBecause you're better than dream打开chip 放在脸上And on itYou trust it在游戏中你把我当成宝贝Hey man 你看我穿的I'm a star like Mabu想要自杀的音乐Rap 这就是我的魅力朝着墙上走Ball ball 和 say感觉100%是醉花和霉你是个白色的狗让我蹲在你眼中你像是绿豆宝物像是新鲜的鸡让我知道爱我说她笑得像我她不懂得说话Slide my DMDBaby say I have a good newsTony Stark girlTony Stark girlTony Stark girlTony Stark girlI'm a I'm a I'm aTony Stark girlTony Stark 有一句话I built this stuffGot a great girlOccasionally save the worldSo why can't I sleep你也有些一样的东西但另一方面我知道你为什么不能入睡