A day in the middle of Copenhagen, suddenly someone says your name, and the burning bridges light up the city, and the colors remind me of how it all was with you, so I pick up my phone and call. And you take it with the sound, and we talk together like back then, we hadn't had a skinnery yet. We laugh at an old joke, and feel a little hope, notice the ice melting inside, on the two of us. On the two of us. Nothing was as strong as a mistake, hit a sympathy, you were the one I liked best. But mistakes tear stupid words, they left their mark on us, until the two of us had nothing more to give. So we built walls for each other, and I stopped believing in you, I didn't feel like you were someone I could trust. So everything we had talked about, secrets and memories came, to fly away, out into the blue. Away from the two of us. From the two of us. But this morning, the shadows slide to the side, and I know we don't have any more time. Till I hold on, to all the dark thoughts, because I can feel my heart beating. Beating for the two of us. Beating for the two of us. And my heart, beats for the two of us. One day in Copenhagen, suddenly someone says your name.