Title the backbone of the family in our home there's a force unseen a pillar ofstrength on which we lean through joy and sorrow thick and thin a silent heroamidst the dead with hands that build and hearts that mend guiding us on throughGod's end their love unwavering their spirit strong in their embrace we belongthey are the sun that lights our day the compass when we lose our way theirwisdom like a beacon shines through life's many twists and turns in theirlaughter we find joy in their teachings no decoy they are the roots that hold ustight in every day and every night so here's to the backbone of our clanto their unwavering steadfast plan may we honor them in word and deed forthey're the family's strength indeed title the backbone of the family in ourhome there's a force unseen a pillar of strength on which we lean through joyand sorrow thick and thin a silent hero amidst the dead with hands that buildand hearts that mend guiding us on through God's end their love unwaveringtheir spirit strong in their embrace we belong they are the sun that lights ourday the compass when we lose our way their wisdom like a beacon shines throughlife's many twists and turns in their laughter we find joy in their teachingsno decoy they are the roots that hold us tight in every day and every night sohere's to the backbone of our clan to their unwavering steadfast plan may wehonor them in word and deed