This is a thousand years of oppression Among the windswept world, three pursuits no one knows For nine whole days he hung their peers, but could bear his fear Swimming in pain, he peered into the depths, and cried out in agony Reaching out, he grasped the roof, they're all falling back from the abyss He gave himself unto himself in a world of searing pain So that we all may live our life by the wisdom that he gave You doubted him, and spread your lies, across the world with sword in hand You reaped the souls, and stole our minds, of neither one of mankind and man You listened to a man who died, and put your faith in deceitful words Your poetry was made by blood, he died this day, you're still alive One refused to submit to the god, you saw his kind And no one's right, and it is time, it's time to fight and be amazed Let me die without fear, and say I'd live without it So shut your mouth, and spare my ears, I'm fed up with all your bullshit After a thousand years of oppression, let the presence rise again Let the one, hear his rights once more, she walks alone, from the wrath of the North Star Let the one, hear his rights once more, she walks alone, from the wrath of the North Star What limits the force, is not what lies, to men like steel, for some are fine We were nothing, to men like we, are to die, without a chain He crossed the ruins, there are still you Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!