I was unusually quiet as I drove into the airport that morning
It was an ordinary thing, he'd been making these trips for so long
He was happy as he talked of his job and flight to Chicago
But I couldn't get it out of my head that something was wrong
He kissed me goodbye at the wife's usual getting off place
I hugged him extra tight and held back the love in my throat
Though it was raining I ran up the steps to the observation platform
And stood there waving goodbye to that thin little ribbon of smoke
Thin ribbon of smoke, thin ribbon of smoke
Through my tears that's all I can see
Thin ribbon of smoke, thin ribbon of smoke
Waving goodbye to me
The telegram arrived on the morning, he was due back on Friday
Very short and to the point it seemed to me unfeelingly cold
Four words stood out as my eyes ran across the message
Divorce was the first and the last was not coming home
Thin ribbon of smoke, thin ribbon of smoke
Through my tears that's all I can see
Thin ribbon of smoke, thin ribbon of smoke
Waving goodbye to me
Waving goodbye to me