There was a life, was there before But somehow here upon this night, it now means more And all those words she tried to say Are now forgotten or they've somehow slipped away And in this darkness, is there salvation Is there forgiveness for hesitation Can someone tell me, can someone say when The writer of this story will just tell us how it all will end And somewhere on this night, there's a way on the ocean That crashes on shores where no one can see The tides and the currents decide every motion From where they are now, to where they will be It cradles them all, for they all are its children If one drop disappears, it is instantly missed And after each wave has joined up with the shoreline It returns to the sea, for that is its one wish There was a light, was there before But in the darkness of this light, it now means more To be so close, to be so near To see the water there within a young child's tear And in our blindness, do we move onward And cling to the lies that we have harbored We could not admit we were mistaken But if we don't do it now, dear God Could you please come down here and tell me when And somewhere on this night, there's a wave on the ocean That crashes on shores where no one can see The tides and the currents decide every motion From where they are now, to where they will be It cradles them all, for they all are its children If one drop disappears, it is instantly missed And after each wave has joined up with the shoreline It returns to the sea, for that is its one wish In the dead of the night, tell me what do you see Will you close your eyes, child, and just listen to me And remember this now, hear these words that I say As your story appears at the end of the day For my meeting with death, though it has been delayed I have run my hands over the end of its blade Though the cut wasn't fatal, even though it was deep Well, that wound's never healed, and that blood, it still seeth Are you scared of your life? Are you scared of your death? Though that day will arrive, well, it hasn't come yet For the days turn to months, and the months turn to years As I see them all now, through a prism of tears But don't fear tomorrow, and don't fear the night It's where God repairs sorrows that enter your life The remains of your life, the remains of the day They'll protect every hour, don't give them away For each evening we sleep, and each morning we rise But you're not the same man, that's the way it's divine For there's parts of yourself the soul decides to keep And there's parts of yourself that the soul does release With some changes so small that they cannot be seen But death is like sleep with a longer dream Are you scared of your life? Are you scared of your death? Though that day will arrive, well, it hasn't come yet As for all those mistakes that you've made in your life Must they stay as they are, or can we make them right? On this night take my hand, keep me near, keep me close And if I should die first, could I not be your ghost? But if later in life we should happen to meet Would you keep me so near you could hear my heartbeat? There are reasons to live, there are reasons to die But the end's not the end while you're still alive Alive Alive Alive While you're still alive There was a life, was there before? *