So Geordi will be hanged in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many, of many. He stole sixteen of the king's royal tears and sold them to feed his lady, his lady. So Geordi will be hanged in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many, of many. He stole sixteen of the king's royal tears and sold them to feed his lady. So day will end by Geordi in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many, cause he was born of the king's royal blood and lost to a virtuous lady. So day will end by Geordi in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many, of many. So day will end by Geordi in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many, of many, cause he was born of the king's royal blood and lost to a virtuous lady. By Geordi will be hanged in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many. He stole sixteen of the king's royal tears and sold them to feed his lady. So day will end by Geordi in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many, cause he was born of the king's royal blood and lost to a virtuous lady. www.*** or www.*** or www.*** or www.*** www.*** or www.*** or www.*** So day will end by Geordi in a golden chain, to snuff the chain of many, cause he was born of the king's royal blood and lost to a virtuous lady.