So, time ago, this one lady had been traveling to her people's, and she was very thirsty and hungry.According to what they tell us, she was very tired when she fell asleep along the way.And when she fell asleep, why, she dreamt of this voice came to her and told her that when she gets up to pick up this one bird that's on the ground, it should be dead.And that would keep her from being hungry and thirsty, and she saw the suffer of the blood in her dreams.But when she...In the.Again, she.Saw the other bird on the ground which picked it up, and she used it.And she claimed that love like the one that they spoke of to provide to her people.We'll be right back.We'll be right back.We'll be right back.We'll be right back.We'll be right back.We'll be right back.We'll be right back.We'll be right back.