Help Me
Help me, it's everything I need and more
The domino that doesn't fall has right now deceived me
Help me, leave the medicine I'm reserved
By the fountain and for what it's worth
Tomorrow, you may see me
Can somebody please give me
A remedy I can make
I want you to break my chains
For a remedy I can take
I want you to take away my pains
Help me, it's everything I want and more
To see me on the open floor
Where I lie here naked
Help me, if someone pulls blanket from our arms
The balance during balance arms
Don't leave me hanging
Can somebody please give me
A remedy I can make
I want you to break my chains
A remedy I can take
I want you to take away my pains
For those who I seem dry
They sometimes cry a little
For those who big and strong
They sometimes are sore a little
And for those that flush their cash
They're sometimes poor a little
For those who are confident
Once was a pig in the middle
Can somebody please give me
A remedy I can make
I want you to break my chains
For a remedy I can take
I want you to take away my pains
Oh, I am naked
Oh, I am pouring
I am soaring
I can see river
And in the spirit I am falling
Oh, I am pouring
I am soaring
I can see river
Can somebody please give me
A remedy I can take away my pains
To suck