Hold it down, down by yourself, cause you don't need to Keep it fuckin' bullshit, cause there's nothing left to fight for Because there's no fuckin' heaven, it's you, doesn't feel new Don't worry, there ain't any price to come, just be the destroyer of your day Don't worry, there ain't any price to come, just be the destroyer of your day You, doesn't feel new You, doesn't feel new Don't try to become the last of me, peace out of your face Don't try to become the last of me, peace out of your face You're one who don't know what's on underneath the false skin It's in my pockets, it's in my pockets One could be the one, fit this mess One could be the one, fit this mess Fit this mess Fit this mess God, it's on your face Was this all wasted? Are you faithful to duty? Was this all wasted? Are you faithful to duty? The price of beauty was more than you thought The price of beauty was more than you thought You, doesn't feel new You, doesn't feel new The price The price The price of beauty was more than you thought