The Name Game
Shirley, Shirley, Bo Burley
Banana, Fennel, Bo Furley
Fee, Fie, Moe, Merle
Ryan, Ryan, Bo Byan
Banana, Fennel, Bo Fien
Fee, Fie, Moe, Myan
Come on everybody
I say now let's play a game
I betcha I can make a rhyme
Out of anybody's name
The first letter of the name
I treat it like it wasn't there
But a B or an F
Or an M will appear
And then I say Bo and a Fee
Then I say the name
Then Banana, Fennel, and a Fo
And then I say the name again
With an F very plain
Then a Fee, Fie, and a Moe
I bet I say the name again
With an M this time
And there isn't any name
That I can't run
Keisha, Keisha, Bo Beesha
Banana, Fennel, Bo Feesha
Fee, Fie, Moe, Meesha
But if the first two letters
Are ever the same
I drop them both and say the name
Like a Bob
Bob drop the B's, Bo up
Or Fred
Fred drop the F's for it
Or Mary, Mary drop the M's more
Eric, that's the only rule
That is contrary
Okay, now say Bo
Now Tony with a B
Then Banana, Fennel, and a Fo
Banana, Fennel, and a Fo
Then you say the name again
With an F very plain
Then a Fee, Fie, and a Moe
Fee, Fie, and a Moe
Then you say the name again
With an M this time
And there isn't any name
Everybody do Billy
Billy, Billy, Bo, Illy
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Filly
Fee, Fie, Moe, Milly
Pretty good, let's do Chandra
Chandra, Chandra, Fo, Fondra
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Fondra
Fee, Fie, Moe, Mondra
Very good, let's do Hector
Hector, Hector, Fo, Vector
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Vector
Fee, Fie, Moe, Mector
A little trick with Mickey
Mickey, Mickey, Moe, Bicky
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Vicky
Fee, Fie, Moe, Mickey
The name game
Nguyen, Nguyen, Moe, Buyen
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Fuyen
Fee, Fie, Moe, Moe, Nguyen
Let's do Rayko
Rayko, Rayko, Moe, Baco
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Faco
Fee, Fie, Moe, Maco
How about Avi
Avi, Avi, Moe, Favi
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Favi
Fee, Fie, Moe, Mavi
Now do Rachel
Rachel, Rachel, Moe, Baco
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Faco
Fee, Fie, Moe, Rachel
Let me hear Hazel
Hazel, Hazel, Moe, Baco
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Faco
Fee, Fie, Moe, Rachel
Now do Truly
Truly, Truly, Bo, Bully
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Fuli
Fee, Fie, Moe, Muli
Y'all do Bubba
Bubba, Bubba, Fo, Ubba
Banana, Fennel, Fo, Bubba
Fee, Fie, Moe, Bubba