An angel's kiss, now fallen Descending starlet, cuts the sky Faded names, left on the wall Mother of all fighting, leaves life to die alone Remembered is the sacrifice But no praise or love, blood still flowing Who were the leaders? What controlled the killing hand? That caused this all, crossing over Bowing deep into the sea, being a waste to cut his soul Senses weakening, time is still, we should last by sniffing it cold The fears race back and scorch his mind, traveling all to find the land Revelation was a touch, and now we will begin to understand Extended our view to yesterday Manifestation for none the same Walking amidst a brightening still The sound, the smell, the scorching flames He is risen Sipping his poison, the raven sings Yet another two and more bodies falling From below, this one controls The killing hand that caused this mourning Is it all over? Is it all over? Evil genius, this secret plan Mercy dealt with the losing hand Will he ever fall? Can he end it all? Our savior must make his stand Only a prophet of ease to come Wanting mortality, I'm all alone He heard my voice, it was my choice I stopped the killing hand He heard my voice, it was my choice I stopped the killing hand When I go back again Will the creepers say I've stopped the cries? But now they know my name The sea is calling me My spirit must return As I get closer Was it really worth what I have learned? I'm in the valley And the saddened chimes I hear Race through the water find One more name appears No one is left now My one and only friend I look at what I've done I am not giving up I am not giving up I am not giving up