French *** this one froggy had to make a decision but before he made his choice he had to pull back for clear vision sometime you got to get up close for a proper listen in order not to make a hasty rash decision some depended on this froggy to jump straight to a pad for a quickened conclusion on the answer that must be had the jump to any lily would be preposterously silly he appeared to be a scruffy one or crabby old lad French *** while the people in the cafe impatiently waited for the one French *** who deeply contemplated all were jittery and hopped up and completely froze on speeded up hot chocolate expressos French *** they called him a *** and even a slacker he's slow to react he needs to move faster how long must we wait on this here slow poke he thinks we got forever but God knows we don't French *** so the French *** sat in his chair for a spill finger clasped brown chin thumb pressed against jaw left eye staring forward in formidable pause well he knew his decision he made would justify the cause as beard grew long and thoughts brewed from within the law he laid down would change the world we live in French *** finally everyone left in the coffee shop a closed the lily pad froze where the frog had sat a fellow frog Frenchie ball *** comrades do not worry they will be back so the *** brain kept on bubbling with contradiction forth and back suddenly in the ***'s mind had snapped a decision from a well-thought process and our overall view to make a better world for me and you French *** some call them ***s for making them way but in the end the decision was thorough and great for those who didn't linger are now living their lives in a world of their own and staring at sky as for the rest of the folks now they can move on now that this French *** is singing his song French ***