Now listen you drunken driver, while here on earth you dwell, you'll never know when a time will come you'll have to say farewell.
Know your dear old mother and family may be many miles away, so don't be drinking whiskey while driving on your way.
I saw an accident one day that would charm the heart of men and teach them never to drink a drop while a steering wheel's in their hand.
This awful accident occurred on the twentieth day of May, it caused two little children to sleep beneath the clay.
The two little children walked side by side, up on the state highway. Their loving mother, she had died, their daddy had run away.
They were talking about their parents, how sad their hearts did feel, when around the curve came a speeding car with a drunk man at the wheel.
The driver saw the little ones, he who needed a drunkard's sign, get out of the road you little fools, and the car had brought them down.
The bumper struck the little girl, taking her life away, while the little boy in a gore of blood in the ditch line there did lay.
The drunk man staggered from his car to see what he had done, and his heart sank within him when he saw his loving son.
Since morning from a drunken man I never saw before, while the little boy in a gore of blood said, Daddy has come once more.
He picked up his loving one, and put them in his car, and kneeling on a running board, he prayed a drunkard's prayer, saying, Oh Lord do forgive me for this awful crime I've done.
His attention was called away by the words of his dying son.
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