In Timbuktu, there's a chimpanzee that's run by a chimpanzee. It's an oddish place where the human race is under lock and key. And on their backs, they wear small plaques for the animals to view, which specify the reasons why they're locked in the chimpanzee. If you're boisterous and bumptious, you're grist for the chimpanzee. If you're overly rambunctious, you're wisp to Timbuktu. Lofts, lofts, nothing but lofts, but you know who's laughing at who. It's the animals there who giggle and stare at you and the chimpanzee. You may never play the music halls in all your wildest dreams, but billow and blast in the chimpanzee when the animals burst their seams. It takes a lot of talent and time to become a West End attraction, but in this place where rude grimace gets a marvelous reaction, lofts, lofts, nothing but lofts, but you know who's laughing at who. It's the animals there who giggle and stare at you and the chimpanzee.