Round and round she spins, Going nowhere fast.Losing track of winds, In the present past.Round and round she goes, Same as all the rest.Acting like she knows, If she's cursed or blessed.What she doesn't realize, Or at least doesn't yet,Is this pointless exercise, Is as good as it gets.It raises you up, Just to let you drop.But the carousel, The carousel never stops.The bubble you blow's, Only gonna pop.But the carousel, The carousel never stops.Round and round her twist, Dreams she meant to have.Born and then dismissed, As a childish love.Round and round her lives, Start and end the same.Struggling to survive, Creditrist as blame.What she doesn't realize, Or at least doesn't yet,Is this pointless exercise, Is as good as it gets.It raises you up, Just to let you drop.But the carousel, The carousel never stops.The bubble you blow's, Only gonna pop.But the carousel, The carousel never stops.The Carousel Never Stops